SimReal / Python / Matlab: Programming - Exercise - Mathematics - Numbers UiA Logo

SimReal - Python - Matlab
001 Sum / Product / Power

Program an application that compute the sum, product and power of two real numbers a and b:
sum = a + b        product = a * b        power = ab
The output should be the following (with the example of a = 3 and b = 4):
Number1 =  3
Number2 =  4
Sum     =  7 
Product = 12
Power   = 81

SimReal - Python - Matlab
002 Complex

Program an application that compute the sum and product of two complex numbers c1 and c2:

The output should be the following (with the example of c1 = 3 + 1i and c2 = -2 + 2i):
Number1 =  3 + 1i
Number2 = -2 + 2i
Sum     =  1 + 3i 
Product = -8 + 4i

SimReal - Python - Matlab
003 Complex Numbers to Control a Piston

Construct an application that use complex numbers to control a piston.
The arm connected to origin rotates with constant angular velocity.
The arm connected to the piston should have a variable height h.
Draw the graph of the position and speed of the piston.
The velocity of the piston should be shown by a vector.

First, try this experiment in practice.
Then try to make a mathematical model of the piston.

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