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Param 2D - Line

Use the slider t or the run-button to move the point A along the path in 2D.
The application shows the three following vectors:
r  : Position      Red   - r(t) = [f(t),g(t)] = [x(t),y(t)]   
v  : Velocity      Blue  - The derivative of the position vector
a  : Acceleration  Green - The derivative of the velocity vector

The r-vector = [f(t),g(t)] can be changed,
the same of the minimum/maximum of the parameter t

The scale-slider can be used to adjust the length of the velocity and acceleration.

Default parametric curve (parabola):
r(t) = [x(t),y(t)] = [t,t] t ϵ [0,5]

Link to GeoGebra library.
Link to programming code.

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