SimReal: Differentiation UiA Logo


This application visualizes the derivative of a function.

Mark the checkbox 'Secant' to draw the secant through the points A and B
Use the scrollbar number two at the bottom of the simulation window
to move the point B closer and closer to point A.
Look how Δy/Δx comes closer and closer to the value of y'

Mark the checkbox 'Line' to see deltaX and deltaY
v Mark the checboxes 'Graph Derivative' and 'LineH'
to study the graph of the derivative function in more detail.

Control objects  :
Theory           : Video Lesson
SimV             : Video Simulation (explanation how to use the interactive simulation)
Sim              : Interactice Simulation
App              : Practical applications

Scrollbar 1      : Move the point A on the graph
Scrollbar 2      : Move the point B on the graph
Function         : The mathematical expression of the function
x1               : Left  endpoint A
x2               : Right endpoint B
y'               : The derivate of the function y = f(x) at A
deltaV/deltaY    : The slope of the secant through A and B
Graph            : Show the graph of the function
Graph Derivative : Show the graph of the derivate of the function y = f(x)   
Axis             : Show axis
Grid             : Show grid
Point            : Show the end points A and B
Tangent          : Show the line segments
Secant           : Show the line segments
Δy/Δx            : Show the lines Δy and Δx
LineH            : Show help lines to visualize differentiation
Formula          : Show the formula for derivate of the function y = f(x)
Reset            : Set the number of line segments to zero 

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