SimReal: Differentiation - Fractional Derivative UiA Logo

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Fractional Derivative

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Given the function (blue color):
y = x

The integral of the given function (black color, curved):
y = 1/2·x2

The derivative of the given function (black color, horizontal line):
y = 1

The fractional derivative (default half derivative) of the given function (red color):
Riemann-Liouville: y = 1.128379·x0.5
Caputo           : y = 1.128379·x0.5
JCAM 2014        : y = x0.5
By the help of the scrollbar, you can change the derivative fraction:
n = 0      : The given function itself
n є <0,1]  : Differentiation
n є [-1,0> : Integration
In this example the result of Riemann-Liouville and Caputo will be equal.
Mark the checkbox 'JCAM 2014' to see the result of this fractional derivative.

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