SimReal: Exercise_ - Mathematics - ODE - DiffEq UiA Logo

[SimReal] [Library]
Differential Equations

Under construction!

With this application we can solve numerically ordinary differential equations of any order (at the moment up to order 3, but the application is prepared for any order).

When we start this application, we see the analytical solution (red graph) of the following differential equation:
     y' + 2y = cos(4x)     y(0) = 3
Click the pushbutton 'Compute' to see the numerical solution (blue graph).

In this application we can choose among differential equations of order 0, 1, 2 and 3 (use the radiobuttons). The coefficients ai, i = 0,1,2,3 and the right hand side r can be either scalars or functions of x and y.
The initial values of x, y, y', y'' is scalars.

By marking the checkbox 'Coord', we can change the units on the axis.
By marking the checkbox 'Origin', we can move the origin by mouse click in the simulation window.
Control Objects:
- Diff.Eq.              : Write the differential equation in the data field
                          The coefficients can be functions of x and y
- Init y-y'-y''-y'''-x  : Initial conditions
- Exact solution        : Analytical solution          (if it exists)
- Analytic              : Show the analytical solution (if it exists)
- Numeric               : Show the numerical solution
- Axis                  : Show the axis
- Grid                  : Show the grid
- Coord                 : Change the units in the coordinate system
- Origin                : Move the origin
- Compute               : Compute and show the numerical solution
- Clear                 : Clear the data fields and the graphs
- Reset                 : Reset the applicatioin

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