SimReal: Mathematics - Car Velocity UiA Logo

[SimReal] [Library] [Template] [Programming]
Car Velocity

Two cars are running a distance of 400 m.
Both cars start at time t = 0.
The velocities of the two cars are by default:
v1 = 45t + 10
v2 = 18.75t2
With these velocities the cars will go the distance of 400 m in 4.0 sec.
Independent of the velocities of the cars
the cars will stop after 4.0 sec
or when one of the cars reaches the endline.

In this application you are going to program
the velocities v1 (green field) and v2 (red field) of the two cars
so they satisfy the conditions in 'Task1', 'Task2', 'Task3' or 'Task4'.

Below the two cars running you see the graph window
with the velocities as a function of time.
When the cars stop, the graph windows show grayed areas
representing the distances travelled.
In the upper left corner of the graph
the currentmaximum velocity of the two is shown.
Car1 : Show Car1
Car2 : Show Car2
Line : Show a front line follwing Car2
MLine: Show the mid line between start and stop position
v-t  : Show the graphs of the two cars
v1-t : Show the graph of Car1
v2-t : Show the graph of Car2
Frm1 : Show formula 1
Frm2 : Show formula 2 
Grid : Show grid

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