SimReal: Mathematics - Game - Monty Hall UiA Logo

[SimReal] [Library]
We have 3 doors.
A car is placed randomly behind one of the doors.
Behind the two other doors there is an orange.
You want to open the door where you can find the car.

Select a door by the help of the checkboxes below the doors.
After selecting a door, you can choose between opening the doors directly (click 'Open Doors') or let one of the doors with an orange be opened (click 'Help Door'). That means you can choose if you still want to select the door you selected first or you can change to the other door if you want.

Try to find out what is best:
- Still choose the same door you selected first
- Select the other door

Pushbuttons in the application:
- Help Door   : Open a door where you find an orange
- Change Door : Change to the other door
- Open Doors  : Open doors to see the solution
- New Random  : Randomly place a car and oranges behind the doors again
You can choose if you want to do this manually ('Manual') or automatically ('Auto'). If automatically, then you can choose if you want to change the door always. If automatically, you can select if the process should run continously ('start run') or you can see one step at a time ('step forward').

If you have a problem to explain, then look at the solution.

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