Matematikk - PreCalculus - Function 01 UiA Logo

[SimReal] [Library]
A simple visualization of what we call a function.

As default you will see a video simulation ('SimV') of a function.
Click the pushbutton 'Sim' on the top of the simulation window to select the interactive simulation.
You can switch between 'SimV' and 'Sim' at any time.

A function is like a machine where we put someting (here called x) into the machine and where someting (here called y) is coming out of the machine. For every input x there can be only one output y.
Here we let the input x be a number.

As an axample we can tell the machine to let the output always be twice the value of the input. We mark the checkbox 'Function' in the control window. A blue function analyze scheme is shown to the right. In the top row in this blue window we write 2x to tell that the function is y = 2x. We immediately see the graph of this function (a red line).
Then we write a number (example 2) in the next line where we see y(...) = .
We immediately see that the output y = 4 (the double of 2) and a small sphere (point) and the value x=2 and y= 4 in a yellow box indicating that 2 is the input and 4 is the output.

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