Matematikk - PreCalculus - Integrasjon 01 UiA Logo

[SimReal] [Library]
The study of integration by approximating rectangles.

The predefined function is y = 0.2x^2.
Two points on the x-axis are shown.
The checkbox 'Area' for showing the gray area is marked.

The values of the x-coordinates of a and b can be written in the datafield 'a' and 'b'.

Mark the checkbox 'RecUp' or 'RecLow to show the upper or lower rectangles.
Use the scrollbar to change the number of rectangles.
The area fields show how the area of the approximating rectangles approaches the correct area.

Mark the checkbox 'Move Origin' to move the origin.

A new function can be written in the datafield 'y'.
The new graph is drawn immediately,
and the pushbutton 'Compute' must be used to compute the new correct area.

- y  =        : The function expression (default 0.2x2)
- a  =        : The x-value of the lower integration limit
- b  =        : The x-value of the upper integration limit
- Formula     : Show the formula of the integral of a function y = f(x)
- Area        : Show the shaded area between y = f(x), x = a, x = b, y = 0
- RectUp      : Show the upper rectangles
- RecLow      : Show the lower rectangles
- Move Origin : Move the origin
- Scrollbar   : Change the number of rectangles
- Reset       : Reset the application

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