The application is computing the cross product (vector product) v3 (color green) of two vectors v1 (color red) and v2 (color red): v3 = v1 x v2.
The three vectors can be shown or hided by the three checkboxes vi, i=1,2,3.
The two vectors v1 and v2 can be changed in the data fields of the components of these vectors.
Note: At the moment we have to click 'Return' for each of the data fields that are changed (this will be changed later).
v1, v2 Plane shows/hides the plane between the two vectors v1 and v2. v3 Area shows/hides the parallellogram spanned by the two vectors v1 and v2.
The three last checkboxes show/hide the three coordinate planes.
Rotate the camera by dragging with the right mouse button, or hold down the Ctrl key and drag.
To zoom, drag with the left+right mouse buttons, or hold down the Alt/Option key and drag, or use the mouse wheel.
Touch screen: pinch/extend to zoom, swipe or two-finger rotate.