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This application is under construction (the data field does not work at the moment).

A particle is the source of a sound wave.
The speed of the sound wave is vS = 7.
The initial speed of the particle is zero (vP = 0).

Click the pushbutton 'Run' to see how the sound wave moves with the same speed in all directions from the particle (the circles are the wave front).

Click 'Reset' and then use the slider to set a value of vP less than vS.
Click 'Run' and see how the wave fronts change.

Click 'Reset' and then use the slider to a value greather than vS.
Click 'Run' and see how the wave fronts change (we now get a shock wave, the speed of the particle is greater than the speed of sound).

The frequency fS of the source is equal to 1 s-1.
When vP less than vS, the frequency fL to a listener to left of the particle and the frequency fR to a listener to rights of the particle are computed.

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