SimReal: Simulation - Mathematics - Elementary Mathematics - Number System - Info UiA Logo

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This is an application to convert between different number systems (base number 2, 8, 10 and 16).
In the picture we have written the number 325 with base number 10 (in the third row 3 in the column 102, 2 in the column 101 and 5 in the column 100).
The other number systems are filled in immediately.

Mark the checkbox 'Ex' to test yourself converting between different number systemes.
Immediately you will see (below the text 'Your answer') to the right in the control window 4 different fields below each other with 4 pushbuttons (02, 08, 10, 16) to the left.
Click one of these pushbuttons and the application will immediately generate a corresponding random number.
Fill in the three other fields and mark the checkbox 'Solution' to get the right answers.
In the example in the figure we have pushed the pushbutton 08 and the number 347 (with base 8) is generatted and you see three of the filds are correct (02, 08 and 16).

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