It is easy to get confused when you start studying at a university.
Many are struggling to find out the expectations:
What is it that I must know and be able to do?
What will it take to succeed?
The most important preconditions for success are probably curiosity, openness and the ability to wonder.
The ability of self-questioning is as important as being able to respond.
Studying involves much more than filling your head with facts and information fragments.
It's more to it than just to cram.
- It is about seeing connections.
- It is about challenging the information being presented.
- It is about understanding.
In order to really understand something, more than just to cram, you need to construct your knowledge in a context.
In other words: a university is very different from a cram school, where the "goal is to enable the students to "parrot," that is, to unthinkingly repeat, information that is deemed necessary for particular examinations"