What are your reactions to this online course in study strategies and techniques?
Was it useful? Did you learn anything new?
If you have any comments to the course
if you have suggestions for improvements
- your input will be highly appreciated
Send email to:
Sven Åke Bjørke, PULS, University of Agder, Norway
sven.a.bjorke at uia.no
Authors of this course are:
Sven Åke Bjørke, Centre for Development Studies and Centre for Pedagogical Development (PULS), UIA and
Halvard Øysæd, faculty for technology and science, institute for ICT, and Centre for Pedagogical Development (PULS), UiA.
Buzan, T. (1992) Bruk hodet bedre. Bokklubben bedre ledelse
Cottrell, S. (2008) The study skills handbook , Palgrave
Fredriksen, J. G.(1993) Bedre læring. Escola forlag
Garmannslund,K. og Uthusli, T. (1986) Leder og pedagog. På vei mot en ny lederprofesjon . Norsk management forlag
Hedin, A. (2006) Lærande på høgt nivå, Uppsala universitet, UPI
Rose, C. (2010) Accelerated learning http://www.acceleratedlearning.com/
Svedberg, L.(2002) Gruppepsykologi. Om grupper, organisasjoner og ledelse . Abstrakt forlag