You remember better with menmtal pictures. Some tricks:
Associate and visualize the mental images
You need to link what you want to remember to something else.
Here is a person associated with flowers.
Link: Giuseppe Arcimboldo - Spring
Overdo it and add motion to your mental images
It is easier to remember exaggerations.
Create a mental image of something that usually is small into something huge
Image: Heinrich Kley
Create unusual combinations
The weirder the combination the easier to remember
Image: Heinrich Kley
Social memory game
One person reads aloud 10 things with a 5 seconds break after each thing.
Challenge everyone to remember all the things.
Those who have learned to remember the 10 number - image mental memory pegs that they can associate each object to, will emerge as people with a super memory, being able to remember back and forth, and the number each thing is associated with .