A common technique to remember better is to use mind maps.
This is a system that combines 'brain storming' and note techniques, and deliberately activating the metaphoric right and left sides of the brain.
The left and the right side
The metaphoric picture of the left and right side of the brain specialising in different activities might not be scientifically quite correct, but may nevertheless give a useful picture. According to this picture, the left side of the brain usually works with logic, numbers, language, analysis, speech and writing.
The right side of the brain preferably works with spatial relationships, music, creativity, imagination, intuition, colours, art and patterns.
If you manage to use both brain hemispheres in your learning, or rather the whole brain, you might very well learn more effectively. The idea is that it is an advantage to activate as many areas of the brain as possible.
You need to combine holistic perspectives using the right brain section and complement with details and structures using the left part of your brain.
Drawing a mind map
Take a blank sheet of paper and put it on a table in 'landscape' mode. You will need crayons.
Draw an oval or rectangle at the centre of the sheet.
Enter a word that expresses the main idea in what you are going to write about.
Draw a line that runs from the main idea at the centre, sloping upwards to the right. Use crayons!
Enter one or two words on this line, which will express the main idea of the first sub subject.
Add drawings and symbols.
Let the mind move freely.
Add new lines from the central, main subject with new sub-topics. Use a new colour for each sub-topic.
You are now sitting with a mind map based on the knowledge you had.
You have associated, and probably created new ideas.
The mindmap represents a holistic perspective - a whole.
You have written down thoughts, using words and logic.
You have reinforced what you associate the words with by using colours, symbols and drawings.
Reflect on your mind map.
What do you need to know in order to find out more?
How do you structure this?
Is there a subtopic that should come before another?
Once you've gathered more information, organise your thoughts by redrawing it, with your new structure
You can either make this work by hand or use one of the digital mind mapping tolls that are available on the Internet.