Goals and motivation
Action Plans, Goals and Motivation
  1. Goals
    Formulate goals in scope and over a time period.
    Without clearly defined goals you are unsystematic and will waste time and effort.
    Clearly formulated and realistic goals motivate.

    Activity by the 'Misty management principle' means that you have high activity in all directions.
    Unfortunately, it does not necessarily mean you make progress.
    This type of unsystematic activity may be discouraging for the entire study program.
  1. Concrete goals
    When you set up goals, you can, for example, decide which grade level you want to achieve, how much time you will spend on a daily basis to study and what to prioritize.

    You can decide that by October 15 you should be able to x and y - You need to formulate concretely, so you know that you have achieved the goal(s).
    There is no use saying that you should be good at working with MS-XL, you must specify what you should be able to that date
  1. The goal must require efforts
    You have to exert yourself to achieve it; otherwise, the target is set too low.
    The goal must be yours. You must feel responsible for reaching it.
    The goal should give you positive feelings.

    Once you have formulated the goal and set a deadline, you can create a schedule.
    Set up goals like:
    'I currently am at A. I'm going to M. To get there I must first get to B, D, G and F.'

  1. Plan how to get there
    The beauty of a plan is that you can deviate from it, and then revert to the plan.
    A plan does not reduce flexibility.
    Without the plan, you have nothing to deviate from.
Study strategies and study techniques
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